Speed up Mountain Lion
Some useful commands too speed up Mountain Lion I came across:
Disable smooth scrolling:
defaults write -g NSScrollAnimationEnabled -bool NO
Disable rubber banding (Sadly doesn’t work everywhere, applications will need to restart after):
defaults write -g NSScrollViewRubberbanding -int 0
Reset rubber banding:
defaults delete -g NSScrollViewRubberbanding
Speed up the Dock animation:
defaults write com.apple.dock autohide-time-modifier -float 0.40;killall Dock
Reset Dock animation:
defaults delete com.apple.dock autohide-time-modifier;killall Dock
2D dock, because the indicators on the new 3D dock are absolutely impossible to see:
defaults write com.apple.dock no-glass -bool true
That said, last year I posted some Lion commands that still work too :-)
Speed up Mission Control, by reducing the length of animations and reduce the delay before switching spaces:
defaults write com.apple.dock expose-animation-duration -float 0.15
defaults write com.apple.dock workspaces-edge-delay -float 0.15
killall Dock
You can modify the 0.15 to whatever you want, but this is my preferred settings.
Remove mouse acceleration (needs a relog):
defaults write .GlobalPreferences com.apple.mouse.scaling -1
Original post on web.archive.org